Financial year 2023: Possehl performs well in a difficult market environment


  • Group sales increased slightly to € 5.8 billion
  • Earnings (EBITDA) stable at previous year’s level
  • Several acquisitions successfully completed
  • Confidence for 2024 in an environment that remains challenging

Lübeck, 21 February 2024 – The Lübeck-based Possehl Group performed well in the 2023 financial  year despite difficult and challenging conditions. With an increase in sales of 6%, the growth path of  recent years was successfully continued, with sales adjusted for the precious metals trading volume  totalling € 2.9 billion making a significant contribution. According to preliminary figures, EBITDA was  on prior year level at almost € 270 million, while consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT) of € 142  million were only slightly below plan and the previous year. Disproportionately high cost increases  in particular had a negative impact on earnings. “In view of the difficult macroeconomic environment  and a broad-based increase in uncertainty, which hit the capital goods industry particularly hard in  the second and third quarters, I am satisfied with the result achieved. Towards the end of the year,  many of our divisions were able to make up for a temporary shortfall and put in a good final spurt,”  commented Dr Joachim Brenk, Chairman of the Possehl Executive Board, on the past financial year.

Developments in the individual divisions varied considerably. Of the Possehl Group’s ten  economically independent divisions, some were able to achieve significant operational  improvements. This applies in particular to the Cleaning Technology division. The Hako Group  headquartered in Bad Oldesloe not only achieved record sales of € 631 million, but was also able to  increase its profitability once again. The majority of Possehl’s operating activities remained stable,  with only the semiconductor and supplier business for automotive electronics recording a  noticeable decline due to the demand situation. “How well or poorly a company is performing can  only be assessed to a limited extent on the basis of short-term performance indicators. That’s why  we also look at other, qualitative factors and, in particular, include long-term success parameters  such as innovative ability and sustainability in our assessment,” explains Brenk.

The sharp rise in market interest rates over the course of the year and more restrictive financing  conditions pose a major challenge for many companies. Due to the positive net liquidity of € 226  million, an extremely solid balance sheet with an equity ratio of 60% and the associated excellent  credit rating, Possehl has not yet been affected by these more difficult market conditions. “We had  to realise how quickly and dramatically not only market but also financial conditions can change.  With our conservative accounting and financing policy, we are well prepared for such unforeseeable  changes also in the future,” says Brenk.

In addition to organic growth, Possehl attaches great importance to active M&A activities. This is  aimed at both the expansion of existing business areas and the development of new activities. The  expansion of the portfolio in the financial year centred on the expansion of the Digital segment under  the slogan “From SMEs – For SMEs” and the promising Identification Solutions division. At the  beginning of the new year, the Precious Metals Processing division also succeeded in significantly  expanding and further internationalising its lucrative coin business through two strategic company  acquisitions. Thanks to internal and external growth, the Heimerle + Meule Group has developed into  a global leader in the coin business in recent years.

Possehl is entering the current year 2024 with cautious optimism. “The general data and the  economic outlook – particularly for the German economy – are currently not good enough for more  euphoria. Regardless of this, we still have a lot planned for 2024. For example, we will continue to  invest heavily in the digital and ecological transformation and thus in Possehl’s future viability,” says  Brenk, looking ahead.

About Possehl

The Possehl Group, which operates worldwide under the leadership of the management holding company  L. Possehl & Co. mbH, is a diversified group with currently ten economically independent, decentrally  organised divisions. The Possehl Group comprises L. Possehl & Co. mbH and more than 200 subsidiaries in  over 30 countries. According to preliminary figures, the Group generated sales of EUR 5.8 billion in the 2023  financial year. Possehl currently employs around 13,300 people worldwide.

The company was founded in 1847 by Ludwig Possehl as a hardware store in Lübeck. The non-profit Possehl  Foundation has been the sole shareholder since 1919. This corporate structure enables the Possehl Group to  remain independent and forms the basis for long-term entrepreneurial decisions.

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Lutz Nehls

Head of Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 451 148-223